Banyan Wharf, a new landmark for London, triumphs Awards

Bartram Timber has just completed supplying the Western Red Cedar Cladding and Decking for the largest Timber CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) building in Europe. Within the supply package, all the softwood-treated external support studs and upstands were also supplied to the building situated in Hackney, London. Hackney Council adopted a policy in 2012, which was a “Timber First Policy” and has fully supported the project in their borough.

The building was designed by Waugh Thistleton Architects for property developer Regal Homes. The 16,000 sq m development includes 3,460 sq m of office space. Above a basement and ground floor of concrete, the building’s structure, designed with engineer Ramboll UK, is constructed from timber. To read the full article detailing property developer Regal Homes and this prestigious award, please click here

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